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Development workshops for young ex orthodox youth

Jews United sees value in promoting former graduates of the religious and ultra-Orthodox world in the fields of creative arts and local culture - with the vision of their professional and creative integration into general society. During April 2023, we established the 'Bnei Horin' project for 26 young men and women who graduated from the former religious and ultra-Orthodox sectors who wanted to get involved in creative fields - cinema, music and painting.

The painting and music workshops were organized for 16 people in collaboration with the 'Menora' center in Jerusalem by the teachers Zavi Shor and Michal Cohen. We organized the film workshop free of charge for 9 people with the film director, lecturer and screenwriter Eric Kaplun and the teachers Ronen Ben Tal and Avishi Zion at home The book ScriptWise Tel Aviv Shuli Rand, a figure of a bridge in Israeli society, also came to participate in one of the workshops and strengthen the young people for their choices.


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